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— C H A R T E R   C L A S S —
F A L L   2 0 0 4

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Gayle Unhjem

#2 "Glaze"

Big: Cathy Lau "Pixy"

Littles: Stacey Chan "Swirl"

Grace Huang "Joy"

Jessica Tran "Forbidden"

Emily Chan "Anise"

Ethnicity: Korean

Birthday: March 22

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Megumi Finnegan

#3 "Caution"

Big: Mary Lim "Seismic Wave"

Littles: Jessica McKee "Harajuku"

Catherine Lam "Sublime"

Ethnicity: Japanese and Irish

Birthday: June 1


JiaWei Yieh

#4 "Cheerios"

Big: Angeline Chan "Vita"

Little: Hillary Lin "Irresistible"

Ethnicity: Taiwanese

Birthday: July 22

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Julie Phok

#5 "Sweet N Low"

Big: Victoria Chin "Euphoria"

Littles: Judy Hu "Escada"

Ada Xu "I’sla"

Ethnicity: Cambodian/Chinese

Birthday: July 10

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Heather Zhang

#6 "Splendeur"

Big: Karin Lam "Ascension"

Littles: Mieko Beyer "Givenchy"

Mengjia Ji "Flaunt"

Aimee Huang "Flawless"

Ethnicity: Chinese

Birthday: February 19

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